Children of all ages need parents and caregivers who are warm and responsive, who pay them attention and who make them feel safe. Here are some ideas to help you keep building this kind of relationship with your preschooler:
when your preschooler is talking. Stop what you’re doing, make eye contact, pay attention to your child’s body language.
Give your child plenty of positive attention. This might mean making time to do your child’s favorite activities with her/him.
Try to be patient with your preschooler’s questions and encourage his interests. If he asks you a question that you don’t know the answer to, you could look it up online together.
If your preschooler asks about tough topics, answer in simple language and short sentences that your child can understand.
Play games together like ‘I spy’ or simple board or card games. Turn-taking games like these help your child learn to play cooperatively and get along with people. These skills are good for his relationships with you and other people.
• Read together. Regular reading with your preschooler creates a special time for bonding. It also stimulates your preschooler’s imagination and helps her learn about the world around her.
• Share regular family meals. Family meals can strengthen your family relationships and your child’s sense of belonging.
Encourage your preschooler to help you around the house – for example, by setting the table or putting away laundry. This gives you the chance to spend time together and show your preschooler that you trust him with responsibility. And chores help your preschooler feel ‘big’ and good about himself.